Research has found that Network Care doubles the benefits of other healthy lifestyle practices (eg yoga, exercise, meditation, etc) and leads to a greater ability to make healthy lifestyle choices.


According to research, there seems to be no limit to how much people can improve.

Because it is so gentle, Network Care is suitable for infants, children, pregnant women, older people and those suffering from trauma and chronic conditions.

For more detail - Click Here - to go to the Network Spinal Analysis - EpiEnergetics Research page.

Retrospective Study of Network Care

A large scale study of 2,818 patients receiving Network care in the United States and around the world, demonstrated that Network care is associated with profound and statistically significant improvement in self-reported wellness areas. Significant changes were reported in the following areas ::

Physical Wellbeing Improvements :

reduced pain
improved spinal flexibility and posture
more energy less fatigue
fewer headaches

Stress Improvements :

greater overall health and general well-being
improved ability to cope with daily problems
improved family relationships
improved significant relationships
reduction in work stress

Life Enjoyment Improvements :

openness to guidance by inner feelings
increased relaxation and well-being
increased positive feelings about self
increased interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle
increased feeling of openness when relating to others
greater compassion for others

Emotional & Psychological Improvements :

less distress about physical pain
more positive feelings about self
decreased moodiness
improved temper
fewer angry outbursts
less ‘low mood’ and more interest in life
fewer concerns about ‘small’ things
improved ability to concentrate
reduced anxiousness

Overall Quality of Life Improvements :

personal life self-awareness
increased ability to adapt to change
better handling of ‘problems’ in life
greater satisfaction with accomplishments in life
improved overall contentment with life
enhanced job satisfaction
greater satisfaction with romantic life
increased satisfaction with actual work done
improved relationship with co-workers
greater satisfaction with physical appearance

Source :: Reference: Blanks, RH; Boone, WR; Schmidt, S; Dobson, M; Network Care: A retrospective outcomes assessment. 1996 Dobson, M; Boone WR; Blanks, RH; Women and Alternative Health Care: A retrospective study of recipients of Network Care. 1996.

Healing doesn’t eliminate all the hard moments. It changes how you handle them.

- Thema Bryant-Davis.